






The aims of the English Language Education curriculum are:

  • to provide every student of English with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work in the English medium; and
  • to enable every student to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology; these demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study and work in the English medium. 

Learning Objectives

The subject-specific learning objectives for English Language are organised under the following general areas:

  • language forms and communicative functions;
  • language skills and language development strategies; and
  • attitudes specific to English language learning.

Students' Good Work


English Activities

English Activities
  • On 21st July, students from the drama team performed Shakespeare's ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’ at Yuen Long Theatre. The young actors brought the classic tale of love and mistaken identity to life. The students' hard work and dedication shone through in their engaging performance.

    本校英語話劇組成功獲選成為全港五間參與香港小莎翁 'Shakespeare in Action’ English Drama in Practice Project的小學之一,排練莎士比亞著名劇目<仲夏夜之夢>,並於7月21日(星期日)在元朗劇院進行公演。是次演出以全英語進行,學生表現傑出,觀眾反應熱烈。


  • The P.5 Inter-class English Competition, held on 16th April 2024, centred around the theme of ‘occupations’. The competition comprised of three engaging games, including solving the crossword puzzles, filling in the blanks and having an intense competition. Students competed against their peers, showcasing their knowledge in a fun and engaging atmosphere.

    Photo Album

  • On 17th April 2024, our P.1 students had a Fashion Show. The Fashion Show allowed students to learn English in a real-life situation and develop their self-confidence and ability to express themselves. On that day, students dressed in their favorite clothes and became adorable models, using vocabulary and sentence structures learned in class to introduce their clothing. Photo Album

  • Our school joyfully celebrated the Christmas season with a range of festive activities. The holiday spirit was truly magical! Photo Album

  • Congratulations to the winners of the penmanship competition! Their impressive handwriting skills have earned their well-deserved recognition. Click Here

  • Here are our star pupils who did a terrific job this year:

    2023-2024 Learning Phase 3

    2023-2024 Learning Phase 3

    2023-2024 Learning Phase 1


    2022-2023 Term 1

  • Different kinds of language activities are held every week during recess. It allows the students to speak more in English and interact with Ms Stephanie, Ms Josephine, Mr John, and our English ambassadors.

    Photo Album

  • Award for Outstanding Audio-visual Effects (傑出影音效果獎)

    Award for Outstanding Cooperation (傑出合作獎)

    Award for Outstanding Performer (傑出演員獎): 

    4A LAU Po Ting 劉寶婷
    4B CHEUK Hoi Laam 卓凱嵐
    4B TSE Shing Yui 謝承睿
    5A WONG Tsz Yui 黃子睿
    5B HANG Tsz Ching 幸梓晴
    5B HO Chi Yam 何智鑫

    Photo Album

  • List of Awardees:



  • List of Awardees:


  • Our P1 pupils become great bakers!!! They learnt how to bake cakes with the NET during the English lessons. Our English Wonderland was filled with the attractive aroma when the cakes were baked. Yum yum...




  • Our students had to walk around the school to find the clues, solve the riddles, search for the hidden QR codes and finish the missions.

  • Our students had great fun joining this quiz game in the hall and tested their knowledge on what they had learnt throughout the year.

    Photo Album

  • In order to broaden students’ worldwide perspectives and develop their linguistic and interpersonal skills, our school organised a 12-day study tour to New Zealand in June. Both English lessons and excursion visits were scheduled for the trip. Our students had an opportunity to attend different classes at a local school in New Zealand and immerse themselves in the English learning environment. Also, our students had several sightseeing trips to the famous tourist spots in Auckland. Students had learnt a lot about the New Zealand culture, which they could never get from books. Apart from lessons in the local school and the eye-opening visits, staying with local families was also a unique and incredible opportunity for our students. They had an opportunity to experience the life of local people and practice their oral English every day. This study tour was a treasurable and memorable experience for the students.

    Photo Album

  • Our P2 students were invited to join the readers’ theatre with Miss Helen. Stories and plays will be introduced to the students to create more opportunities for them to practise and enhance their reading and speaking skills.
